
Astronomy and Space information

PH is for Balance and Harmony
PH is for Neutrality
PH is for the Human Race
PH is for Phuturespace

Own a Meade LXD series telescope? Read my book.. it is available to buy from Springer, Amazon and other online book stockists. See description page here
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Wednesday 10 September 2008


Hello and welcome to my blog!
This is the new home for all things Astronomy and Space related topics... and anything else that might be interesting!
My old blog was at http://www.frappr.com/martinp but I think blogspot is more accessible than the frappr website...where you have to register in order to reply to a post.
Soon you will be able to access this blog by simply typing in http://www.phuturespace.com in your web browser.

So, sit back and enjoy.

Martin (aka Phuturespace)