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Saturday, 10 March 2012

Venus Jupiter Conjunction - Dance of the Planets in 2012

Over the next few weeks there is going to be some spectacular naked eye events in the western sky. Venus and Jupiter will make close approach on or around 12-13th March and by the end of the month the Moon and the Pleiades will be in the same area as the two planets. Follow the two planets diagonally downwards towards the horizon and you can see Mercury. Times are for 19:00 (UT). Location is from London, UK.
On the other side of the sky rising in the East is Mars. On the 4th April the Moon will be passing by the Red palnet.
Check out the skymaps of these events below. Screenshots courtesy of Carte du Ciel software.

Sky Tonight March 10th- See if you can spot Mercury low in the west after sunset

Venus-Jupiter Closest conjunction March 12th

March 14th - after closest conjunction

Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter March 24th

Pleiades (M45) Moon, Venus and Jupiter March 26th

Moon and Pleiades March 27th

Moon Mars April 4th